Melbourne Disability Services recognises the importance of ensuring the participant’s right to use an advocate or representative of their choice is maintained. Both participants and potential participants have the right to select and involve an advocate, or a representative of their choice, to participate or act on their behalf at any time.
This policy applies to all participants, staff, volunteers and stakeholders.
Advocacy is the active support for a cause or position, and, in this context, it is an expression of support for a person who may find it difficult to speak for him or herself. It may include matters such as achieving social justice, improving a person’s wellbeing, prevention of abusive and discriminatory treatment or stopping unjust and unfair treatment, so it is possible that a person’s fundamental needs and interests are met.
Below is a list of six types of advocacy:
All participants have the right to use an advocate of their choice to represent their interests and speak on their behalf regarding any aspect of the supports or services they receive.
Our staff will work cooperatively with the participant's nominated advocate and will show the same respect to the advocate as is shown to the participant. When a participant cannot advocate for themselves, it is Melbourne Disability Services’ policy to ensure that the participant’s interests are represented and supported using a substitute decision-maker.