Our Decision Making Policy


1.0 Purpose

Melbourne Disability Services policy is underpinned by international, national and state obligations, in relation to the human rights of people with disabilities; Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the critical driver behind supported decision-making.

We wish to support all participants to make informed choices, exercise control and maximise their independence relating to the supports provided.

Quality decision-making will underpin the long-term effectiveness of participant supports and agreements. It facilitates the achievement of strategic goals, maximises participant involvement, enhances participant outcomes and encourages wellbeing and productivity of our staff.



2.0 Scope

This policy applies to all Melbourne Disability Services staff and participants accessing our services.



3.0 Policy

This policy assumes that each participant has decision-making capacity, unless proven otherwise, and acknowledges that each participant’s capacity varies for each decision and situation. All participants have the dignity of risk to make their own decisions.

In instances where a participant's decision-making capacity is in doubt, this policy provides direction regarding the determination of capacity and consent, supporting and facilitating decision-making, and deciding on behalf of the participant, where required.

This policy will eliminate the risk of decisions being made about a participant’s life without their involvement or against their actual or anticipated wishes. Decisions are only to be made with the consent of the participant.

Melbourne Disability Services puts choice and control squarely in the hands of people with disabilities, their families and carers.

Melbourne Disability Services will provide information in an Easy Read format for participants who require this communication style.